Tuesday, January 21, 2014

faith & dragon slaying

this wild, intuitive painting thank you Flora B which I love is by my friend Bee (Billie) who turns 9 on Valentine's Day 

be brave 
be kind 
be true 
be you 

Susan Black

(hey ! that's me ;-)

As some of you already know I'm a huge, huge fan of Oprah's Super Soul Sunday and never miss a week. Recently Oprah's guest interview was with the lovely, loving and ever profound Marianne Williamson - as usual I listened to their chat over and over and over again, getting some new nugget of wisdom & truth each and every time. Here's Marianne on The Law of Divine Compensation, kinda like the law of Karma or another much more evolved method of slaying dragons. I'm sure she may sound pretty woo woo to some but in this year of FAITH for me, the year I am living faithfully & fearlessly, the year I am committed to trusting and believing in the Good, the Fair, the Just, the Kind & the Love - even when I can't see them, even when the bunch of them are all hiding from me deep in the thick dark woods.


  1. Did Billie really paint that? Wow! I haven't much knowledge of this Facebook stuff so bear with me, please.

  2. A beautiful painting by Bee. she is very talented too.
    love and hugs dear Susan
    xoxoxo ♡
